Back in June, Emily Jarvis of GovLoop's Dorobek Insider reached out to ask whether I'd be willing to answer a few questions for a GovLoop guide on Agile acquisition in Government.
She and her colleagues talked with many other leaders, then produced a guide using everyone's input: "Addressing the Complex Challenges Facing Today's Acquisition Professional."
She also wrote a great GovLoop post focusing on the thoughts I shared based on my experience.
If you're willing to listen to Emily and I for a few minutes, please have a listen.
Yes, it sound a little rough. Of course she asked permission to record it, but I thought the final product was going to be the written guide. If realized they were going to publish the audio, I would have used my radio voice. Or at least my cool helo pilot voice. And I would have tried to silence some of the "ummm's." But the folks she works with are real professional, and they made us both sound good.
Please give it a listen, read Emily's post, and download the guide!